All is quietish, finally, in Tilling.
California finished playing at 2.00am, Leo thinks; he thought
they were very good. He has got red eyes like an alien this
morning. The tall handsome sort of red-eyed alien, of course.
Me and Lily sauntered around about midnight and Lily was
frightened and we left.
Not before bumping into Saveria and Kelly. I was complaining
that all the girls looked exactly alike (long hair, black t-shirts
cut across one shoulder, tight jeans, long boots, stamping about
in groups smoking furiously) and they said, these are our
children you are talking about Nils - at which point I
remembered my own girlhood and the sharing of the Biba
dresses on rotation, the swapping of the feather boas.
Whatever. But we had better music
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