Friday 3 April 2009


Back from the remise des prix des Rencontres Artistiques 2009
where I DID NOT WIN A SINGLE PRIZE presumably because
there's been a mistake of some sort.
And another thing; I did not know a single winner. See? Something
odd is going on.

Malras is lovely though - first time I've been there - should you be
planning to go there for the Toques et Cloches, just don't go to the
Foyer where the prize exhibits are. You have been warned.


Anonymous said...

Not winning is not the same as loosing

vanilla beer said...

quite so. Loosing is not a word I employ except when others haven't won.

Louise said...

Oh well. Well done anyway. But, i'm definately going to have a look if i find the foyer!

vanilla beer said...

Easy. Up the hill, turn left; along the crest to the next right. Up there and continue to the church. Round to the left, across the Mairee car park, climb the steps to the road that runs along the top.enjoy!