Sunday 19 April 2009

goldman sachs

Reading the Daily Telegraph at breakfast - don't ask - I find that
Goldman Sachs has hired a law firm to close down a blog.

Marveling, I went to the site - - where
quite shocking info sits, like the numbers of American politicos
hired or trained by Goldman Sachs and how much money the
system has received in donations (mostly to democrats, alas)

Usefully, there is a link to the Goldman Sachs site which has
fascinatingly meaningless bollox, like this; "our goal is to help
clients realise their objectives": "our goal is to leverage the
collective expertise of Goldman Sachs and point the way
forward":"we take seriously our responsibility to the
communities in which we work and live": etc etc.

You wouldn't get an arts council grant with this pap.


phil said...

True, but you don't get rich from arts council grants, either.

vanilla beer said...

You made me think... so I looked up british arts council awards for 2005/6. That year they gave away 4,707 awards, total value 81.7 million sterling. I don't do sums, but it seems chunky.
The bits and pieces Ive had from them - and failed to get from them - didn't justify the time spent filling forms and writing mission statements.
Whereas government loans to look after bankers - first year art students could write applications for them!
Is it different where you are?