Friday, 14 January 2011

News from around elsewhere

Waiting at home in Tilling for Captain H to arrive - hes had
to sit on the tarmac at Gatwick while the fog at Toulouse clears
so will be even later than usual.

Done some Skyping, some cheap book buying on one-click; now
looking through this weeks emails.

Here's Fiona....

'You are very sensible staying in France. Over here this
coalition gov is rapidly dismantling everything and there is an
atmosphere of deep concern over jobs, redundancies and how
people can pay their bills and stay in their homes.
The ageism is frightening: the backlash against 'old people' over
here is horrible. I have sympathy for the young and the newly
graduated, it is tough for them but now I sense an undercurrent
in the media (who are mostly young or young middle aged) that
the despised 'oldies' are a waste of space and should all fuck off
and die. Once I've climbed out of the go-to-hell income bracket
I shall aim to live mostly in Europe -

Love to all your/my friends over there and a special hug for
Andy, Lou and baby. Take care of yourself and remember me to
the Captain & Lily'

And from Queensland, my old mate Richard;

'Today is hot and humid. As I tap this note there is the sound
low flying helicopters, and this has been constant for the
48 hours [it will be a lasting memory].

We will never forget taking a walk on Wednesday morning

to the railway and road bridges that cross the river high
'Tallahassee'. The river was simply awesome to behold.
It was
like swirling brown paint and was moving with such
It stank of garbage and rotten plantlife and petrol,
and it was
giving off a heat - a horribly palpable experience. '

The clean up has begun,
and we are getting our home back to
normal, and will then be
volunteering assistance through our
friends and networks.
The devastation is nothing short of
and we have friends who have lost everything.'

Can't follow that -
love to all and keep safe!

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