Tuesday, 24 May 2011

back home

Back in Tilling where I'm delighted to find nothing has changed. Greener and brighter and hotter than when I left, perhaps: three new baby blackbirds in the yard and a plethora of fledgling redstarts.

Leo is exactly where I left him.

Great to see some dear mates in London and to tour the galleries. The noise and dirt no longer appeal - how did I cope for so long? though there are charming moments...

Like, this picture is of a geezer at Waterloo station lugging a (toy) lion.


Sam said...

What about the toy tiger?
Someone left one in a field in Hampshire and it took a helicopter and several armed policemen to neutralise it!

vanilla beer said...

perhaps they are used for carrying weapons of mass destruction nowadays, like when I was a kid we had toy dogs to put our pyjamas in.

Sam said...

I've led a sheltered life, I had no idea pyjamas were weapons of mass destruction.