visit my friends Richard and Alison at Pech Luna for the
weekend and Richard mended the one with electrical problems.
So, now I can't remember how it works; which is why there is
a blurry pic of dinner last night.
Leo cooked Shuff, Ian, Kat and me a perfectly marvellous
meal; his famous chicken soup, then a salad of tomatoes, basil,
anchovies and mozzarella followed by a Thai dish of noddles
and stuff with crushed peanuts and lime and coriander. Brill.
This morning I took loads of photies of new paintings and
didn't change the settings when I ran into Ferren, Tillings
genius. Here is is, hazily on his bike, en route to Quillan to
get some tortillas to feed to Joan who has closed and packed
up her kitchen and is therefore not able to feed herself before
leaving on Monday.
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