To Jims yesterday, to see if it is the time to de-hibernate his tortoise. He has left strict criteria but not details about constancy; that is to say, the temperature is fine but will it last?
I muse on the I Ching and the symbolism of the line, Let your magic tortoise go. Decided to look it up and see if there is further info but cant find the book.
So hang out by the Aude with Lily. Will return to Oswald later.
Here's that line from my own translation, with my commentary added:
'You willingly give up your spirit tortoise. Look at my keep-fit motion. Misfortune.’
"...Now let's get this tortoise business out of the way first. Yes, it really does say 'spirit tortoise', and Wilhelm even makes it a 'magic tortoise'... In ancient times 'tortoise' was an expression that meant money or working currency... So your spirit tortoise would refer to your spiritual collateral. Don't give this up at any cost... In Chinese herbal medicine, turtle and tortoise shells (Chinemys Reevesii and Trionyx Sinensis) are used to prepare treatments for kidney-yin deficiency and if you've got that kind of 'empty' condition, you may have to think about your sexual health and inner vitality... Keep yourself moving, both physically and spiritually..."
coo, thanks Daniel - I guess this is Jims info since the tortoise in question is his. Hes back from Barcelona, I'm back from Toulouse, Steve is back from the Alps and the Tortoise Oswald is very well. (Though how you can tell is anybodys guess; 'not dead then' probably constitutes enough information)
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