Sunday 2 October 2011

News from Peter R., Frank and Liz and petite moi

From Baguio in the Philippines, Peter R reports in;

'Well, hello! It's been rather wet and windy here. And, it's going to go on being so, starting once again this morning. We are braced, as the saying is, for more power outages and loss of internet connectivity. I used to think of the routine if random blackouts as power outrages but, given the state of infrastructure here, it's amazing we have as much electrical power as we do, and running water, and public transport (or, rather taxis and jeepnies) and all that you take for granted in Surbiton and the much missed towns of Quillan, Esperaza, Ginoles and Limoux, to mention only those nearest to my late house and home and heart. If a wind is strong enough to tilt and take down a coconut tree, it's gonna blow down power lines. You have to have been walking under overhead power cables when they short out to appreciate the show of sparks, the deafening, dangerous fireworks this produces just a few feet from your head.'

A little too much excitement, I fear, though Peter seems happy enough.

Frank and Liz also write;

'I do look at the Tilling site from time to time and we still have many fond memories though some are slightly clouded by consumption of Blanquette!
We are off to Spain in a couple of weeks time so will not be visiting Esperaza this year. Hope to be there sometime next year all being well.
Please pass on our best wishes to those who might remember us and take care of yourselves.'

The only other news from here is that the market was drenched in sunshine and still full of strangers; Adrian and Maggie are back, hurrah; and Bob, Anne and Dan have just left for the airport. Bah.

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