Monday, 14 February 2011


Oscar, Jill, Hilary and Kate have had birthdays recently or today.
My ghostly presence has partied with them. Me and my germs
have stayed indoors.

Quelle bavadage, photos?

If not for the blog, for me -missing y'all.

On the plus side, a health drink; one banana, 4 strawberries,
one apple, juice of 2 oranges, 1 kiwi (plays havoc with the colour,
so you might prefer to miss this out). Whizz up in blender with
as much blanquette as you can get in without it fizzing over.

Doesn't make you better but you care less.

1 comment:

writing and other stuff said...

Think you need to start a celeb cook program. 'Re-looking your kitchen with real ingredients'. Love the visual image of the overflowing fruity fizzyness in style of mickey mouse and the sorcerer's apprentice.
Thanks for the link. K x