This may not be coherent as I've just had a large rum
cocktail. There is something about meetings in town halls
that makes me on the one hand loose the will to live and
on the other enlivens me to the point of psychopathy.
Notwithstanding, as one of your English reps at the MJC
here is my report:
The mayor complemented us on the new committee.
On having a good constitution and a letter box.
We spent some time working out who was the previous
owner of Kates house but relaxed when it became clear
that it was next door to the house that used to belong to
Mr I'oeufs mother. (I cant spell his name - the director
of the Dinosaur Museum, the one that told me and
Jeremy that our fossils looked like rocks to him)
The Mayor informed us that Animators were essential
to our village (Village?? I think of Tilling as a large town)
And went on about good communications. The problem
at the MJC, is, he said, the photocopier.
Now we all know about this. The deal for the photocopier
was entered into years ago by someone unqualified to sign it,
just when photocopiers were rendered obsolete by scanners,
and paying for it virtually bankrupted the MJC. It was churlish
to mention it. Kate moved the agenda on swiftly by announcing
that the MJC was for everyone.
Today it is like this, said the mayor; what do you plan?
A flurry of talking at once commenced.The only bit that was
memorable was the President saying that something offended
his sensibilities- but I don't know what.
Bit of paper were found and cries of
Trés Bien! went up.
Then the serious stuff started.
There are two light bulbs missing at the Salle Louis Albert.
There is not enough Ping Pong kit. Despite the lack of central
heating we must not use the electric fires. We must not store
anything other than metal; fire risk. The security check that
happens every two years discovered the cupboard we all use
to store cloths, paper, material to be full of clothes, paper,
material... woops.
A bad memory at the town hall is not relevant, cried mon
president resourcefully.
After a bit more chatter chiefly about responsibility - especially
the responsibility of those who take children picking morels and
other mushrooms - and where to store skis for the two months
of the year when people ski, we parted.
Much, much older.