Sunday 12 October 2008

fun at market

This mornings market was fun, as ever; loads of friends
out and about.
Sitting at the café du pont with a group of mates
when a nearby geezer asked me if I was English.
I confessed. He said, in French of course, ha! The English
are Villains!!
Peturbed, I asked why. Because, he said, you burnt Joan
of Ark
. Naturally I didn't attempt to deny this, though
of course it wasn't strictly accurate; I was just relieved
that some crisis wasn't my fault. However, when he went
on to say that we also blocked the chimney so that the
Virgin couldn't ascend to heaven, it was clear that
he was hoping for a theological slagging session so I
concurred and got back to the English who were debating
global economy.
No-one tells me anything. Whats this about the
collapse of Capitalism?

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