Sunday 22 January 2012

hedging the bets...

So, anyone know whats happening? First was the lavender hedge by the little car park over the railway line at the side of the Maire. Pulled up and disappeared without so much as a bye-your- leave. And not replaced. Then the hedge the length of the peluse, the other side of the river, beautiful big long dense hedge; I asked as it was being destroyed, why? and was told, disease. Not been replaced. The the hedge by the little fountain (the two phallic stones one), boff! Disappeared. The big laurel hedge by the river by CrossClement uprooted, leaving bald riverbank. Then yesterday morning, this one had gone - it used to run parallel to the short one that is (so far) still there.

Et alors???

Then again, somethings are appearing. Here we have a Templar well apparently growing in the impasse des Chevaliers at Campagne- sur-Aude, a genuinely Templar enclave and ex-fort.

Walked to Campagne yesterday for the pleasure of it - beautiful day as is today, spring pretending to have arrived - also (really) arrived are John and Clare, here for a measly week, chauffeured by a nameless gentleman farmer. Took photies of them in the market but they were rubbish.

1 comment:

Aude Ear said...

I wondered what was burning riverside from uphill this afternoon, Can't move for missing hedges.