Lee was in fine form for his birthday yesterday and the tribe celebrated mightily, the more so as he has achieved pensionable age and should be thinking about his art collection.
Here is Lorraine with their godchildren, who payed a surprise visit with their folks. Lovely to meet them and to see old friends again... heres to you, Lee!
(By the bye, the diary of a frogdog in the list of links by the side there is written by Django the family beast and will probably be worth a look, once they have tidied up a bit)
Steve B. arrives today, I hear: The Scottish Daves tomorrow. What a pity they missed it. Perhaps Lees can be persuaded to do a re-run?
After all these years you have still not learnt to spell my name, Vailla. Shame on you - it is LEIGH!
woops sorry - Will get it right next year!
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