Here is a weird cloud that was over Quillan on Weds. No doubt a
sign of the impending doom that awaits us all if you believe the
newspaper articles and indeed TV slots that deal with
Bugarach and the arrival of the giant green lizard aliens expected
in this area.
And here is Bieke, on the evening before her return to Ghent
for christmas -come back
soon dear one
....... here is Thursdays sunrise over the museum of dinosaurs
Below are Margo and Theophile who couldn't get to London
(on account of the snow there) for their Christmas holiday so
are spending a few days in a friends flat in -where else- Couiza
and this is our Christmas cake, made by Barbara and sent from
the USA. Iced by my elfin touch in huge quantities of sugar and
Its christmas eve and we have a chimney this year so I plan to
hang up a stocking -if I can find one.
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