Wednesday, 26 May 2010

french letters

I'm outraged at an advert I've just seen on French TV (yes, I've
been ironing again)
It shows a young woman answering her mobile phone, dropping
a condom from her handbag. Her Grandmother picks it up -
girl pulls face - Grandma says, ho, they do them in strawberry
now- and tucks it into her bra.
(Inexplicably, this is advertising a car.)

The reason I'm outraged is because they knicked this from my
own dear Grandma.
When she was in her early nineties, she asked me if I had any
condoms. I told her, no, I wasn't in a relationship. She said,
Oh that's a shame darling, can you get me some??

Turns out she wanted them to hold her opened tubes of paint
since she had trouble with the caps. She figured that keeping
the tube in a condom would keep them airtight.

So I sent a selection of coloured and flavoured condoms.
So the packet split in the post.
So the postman had to hand them over on the doorstep.
So my uncle was breakfasting with her at the time...
It goes on and its far funnier than the car advert.

Incidentally, she was right AND wrong. Condoms work for
a while but perish quickly. Cling film is better.

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