an excellent evening concluding in my courtyard over the last of
the Chilean red.
Lovely end to a lazy day, spent reading in the sunshine.
Erm, anyone going shopping this week? I'm out of booze and could
use a lift. Bit low on the food stuffs too.
Forgot camera so here is an image I have carried in my heart
and head since the Toques et Sloshers (Annies phrase -)
It is from an installation by by le collectif tant qua faire, aka
Isobelle and Liz.
It is currently very trendy to make ecological issues central to
art - which tends to make the work rather dispiriting, fashion
being fashion.
Not so here.
This is a complicated piece. The white blob things, for instance,
are scaled models of the pollen of the lily which explains both
their coherence and their strangeness. There are casts of tree
bark. Paintings of trees taken from photos of specific trees.
Tubes of bark containing photos of tree thangs and a sound
track I didn't inquire into. All packed into a little dark cave
lit cleverly to lead the eye, inviting the viewer to consider
the being and death of trees.
For all it is depressing, it is also so beautiful that the topic
becomes approachable, maybe even resolvable.
Quality work to find in a wine festival.
Congrats to Liz and Isobelle -
and to Annie and Pete, on providing a dinner of great delight
and children ditto. Theo and Gus are a joy, as is Annies cooking.
I feel a paucity of superlatives coming on.