Friday 14 August 2009

town hall fire shock

Our Kat was first on the scene as the acrid billowing clouds
of smoke caused her eyes to smart and her heart to pound: she
ran to the Mairée to find that someone had called the fire brigade
seconds before.

Brave Msr Pozo and his colleagues swiftly brought the blaze under
control and by the time your intrepid reporter had stirred herself
the burnt out car was gone, leaving only this charred pavement
and the singed corner of the car next to it, sectioned off with official
red and white tape, bearing mute witness to the etc etc

The cars owner, caught closing her shutters against the smell of the
wreckage, said that she heard two BOUM BOUM!s as the car
exploded; she thought it was the wiring as its the second time this
has happened to her. I asked her if she was a fire god and she smiled

Me and visiting kids had been sheltering from the heat watching a
Hitchcock DVD, which was very gripping or you'd have a first hand
report. They've all gone to the Lake at Arques now, peace descends,
and a spell of detox after last nights excellent dinner.

Going to miss you Toby!

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