Sunday 13 May 2012

Those things I have omitted...

Forgot to photograph last night; another fine dinner cooked by Alicia and Ryan (prawn cocktail, boeuf en croute, trifle -) designed to give our french neighbours Jeanette and Louis some good English cooking. The roast beef - obligatory - was done as Boeuf Wellington but just in time Bob warned me of the cultural implications (though I believe the French think they won Waterloo) and we changed the name. Kat, Leo, Jim (Tobys son) there and helped balance wines with the meal to great effect.  Slept well.
Which is why I forgot to photograph the market, the vide greniers, the lunch at the creperie - all pretty excellent if a bit cold . Weather suddenly dropped from 30's to something needing a jumper.
Vide greniers at Couisa and Alet-les-Bains; Ryan has bought an electric organ of great style and I got a photographic negative printed on glass of Jean Jacques Rousseau's tomb.

The photo above is of the chimney opposite Place Verdun. It must surely fall down soon. Here it is unnaturally lightened to show structural cracks.

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