Thursday 2 February 2012

blanche-neige does ironic

This hen is called after Snow White, in French Blanche-Neige. She refused to come out into the snow.
There isn't much but it is here, finally, snowing - like the rest of Europe. The hens are outraged.

Everyone else OK though. Breakfast with the breakfast club at the Cafe in the square; since it followed on the heels of dinner at the Normandy Frites I was impressed by some of the stamina displayed, myself rather feeling my years. Normandy F not bad, BTW; still smokey with chip fat but we had escalope de dinde and chips and it was good.

Then coerced into cleaning Galerie K in preparation for the reunion tomorrow night and the inaugural expo. If you are an artist of these parts and feel the need to belong to an arts association, come along and subscribe (5.30pm) and if not but are interested in art, come along a bit later for the craick. Woops, that should probably read bavadage.

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