AND the shop on the corner that sold shoes about 8 years ago but has been closed since is being done up. Gossip says variously that its another green lizard crystal shop or that the bank opposite is moving in; hence are both ends of the commercial and moral spectrum being mooted.
What else....Madame Pozo is having her roof done. The Rue de General Ferrier is still being dug up only from the other end now. Maite has sold her house in Rue Victor Hugo and is looking for a flat in Lyons. The swallows are preparing for the off -
Ian sent this photo, suggesting that Stan plays the music and Debs sings it.
Good news; as John and Margaret prepared to leave this morning, alas, they heard the glad tidings that they are grandparents to a small female child. Very happy for them but sad that they've left and now maybe less inclined to return. Lets hope we can look forward to seeing small female child here with them.
Toby went yesterday and after Amsterdam is hoofing it to India - we wont see her here for a long time.
On the plus side, I gather that Pam is arriving on Tuesday, as are Bobs brothers and their wives so happy times are just around the edge of all this damned cleaning.