discovered late afternoon that COES had won the bouclier of
Champions of France, beating Panjac 17 - 6.
Lousie was holding a cocktail party to celebrate her birthday
-she is but a child as the photos shows and a jolly pretty one
too - when we heard the noises that precede a victory entry
to Esperaza.
The assembled party-goers ran into the street to cluck the
Entry of the Queen of Sheba; mercifully the crowds were
noisier than the cluckers so this tribute went unrecognised.
The team were loaded onto a tractor as darkness fell...
and followed by our cheering town to various cafes, finishing at
the rugger capital of the Café de la Gare.
The tabac carried the headline this morning:
It is extraordinary, really; this is a very small town as is
Couiza so beating everyone else is pretty cool.
There is a reception at the Mairée tomorrow night at 7.00
followed by a free meal for a thousand people at Couiza, cooked
by Msr Charlie who I imagine is quite busy as I write.
He's invited us all.