so naturally me, Kat and Pete set off to the Centre
of the World (Perpignan train station) to make a
gesture of respect.
Leaving before dawn, Pete drove us to Quillan
station where we took the 8.00am bus - special
price, one euro. The bus is a substitute train,
since the line through the mountains was bombed
to bits in the last European war. Stonking trip,
through the Gorge de Galamus, rambling hither
and yon, catching the dawn lighting the mountains;
best euro-worth imaginable.
At 9.30 we were gorging, hoho, on pain au chocolate
& coffee and remarking on the Mediterranean flora.
Then off to discover Dali.
Hélas! Rien. Zilch. Nix. Nothing. No sign, no statue;
can this be the right centre of the right world? Laborious
enquiries revealed that there had been a statue on the
roof but it had gone. perhaps to Strasbourg, but who knew.
Here it is, not there. There is a station cafe called
the Restaurant at the Centre of the World and a
pretty poor affair it was.
A nice enough station but lacking in style...
we quested on. Eventually the tourist info booth
confessed that there was a statue on their roof.
Here it is.
Had a great day anyway, sweet local gallery with a
deal of Dufy & some remarkable 15 century religious
stuff. The locals were wonderful and quite made up
for the signing system, which wasn't. Got lost a lot.
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