Saturday 19 March 2011

secret of success

This is by no means an original observation but one cannot
labour the point too much - the secret of success is

I did cook one of the dishes for last nights dinner. That is to say,
I heated under the pan where Molly had chopped the vedg., and
Annie mixed it into the couscous. She bought a dahl curry. Aileen
and OlleB bought more couscous. Andrea bought a crunchy salad
and Kat the pears poached in wine. John and Margaret did the
huge cheeseboard and everyone bought booze, fortunately.

All the guests brought their intelligence and humour and general
good naughtinesses, oh and in many cases their dogs - by 2.00am
there were 8 in the house (I think; they milled about)

Sue, Mikeal and Simone are architects; Annie and Pete of course
are oceanographers; Ian and Jon and broadly called teckkies;
artists as ever littered the place up; and erm Ive forgotten why it
seemed a good idea to break down the event into professions.

Just is was all so interesting!!!!

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