Wednesday 25 March 2009


Congratulations to Tita and Kevine who are getting PACSed today-
as Edith said, marriage without the tralala and easier to get out of.

Nonetheless, a sign of mutual commitment and we know they are
in love - so good luck for the forseeable together.

Diary date, y'all: Friday night at the Salle de Fetes in Rouvenac, a
Grande Soiree to raise funds for the school in Fa.
An auction of promises where you can bid for a half day of tree
pruning, a day of plumbing, ironing, and many other useful services
including the supply and delivery of manure. Bar open at 7.00pm
bidding starts at 8.00 and you don't have to buy, just come for the
fun, plus food and drink and live music.

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