Sunday, 13 April 2008

rowenas studio

We took our own Lady Jane (Franglais rhyming slang - Lady Jane Grey= Handicapée; m. Zane) to Rowena's for the alchemical experience of pots being burnt in sawdust and dropped in cold water. Really! And it works, things appear from the flames and the steam glinting with metallic sheens - great kit too, Rowena has upped the ante in fetish wear though I suppose we should properly call it protective clothing. Congratulations to her - and a deal of jealousy - at a beautiful studio in a magical setting with great friends. What more can life offer?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Beer, I thought the Lady Jane reference was to Mick Jagger as in 'quick stagger',Oh well I'm gonna jagger off for another Harry Lime, nighty night. Pete.