Tilling was touched by that sense today - no-one around. But the sign on the post office is a dead giveaway -

Closed for the Toques et Clochers!! Everyone is in Antugnac, this years host village.
-I've explained the phenomena of the Toques et Clochers before,
see entries for

previous years or Google it - I'm wearied by doing other than engaging and enjoying - all the world was there.
here are the drummers that greet you

on entry to Antugnac, very thrilling after the free bus ride from Tilling - marvelous organisation BTW, many coaches picking up and putting down -
there are bands all over

the village, often vying with each other for the jolliest noise -
Its a tribute to the caliber of the

booze that everything is so good humoured, hundreds - nay, thousands - of folk just getting on with it in circumstances that would have a Brit health-and-safely person breaking out into a cold sweat. Despite the heat.

Saw many of out friends in the throng, including the Scottish Daves who are here safely. Turns out the mistake about airplane tickets wasn't Daves, it was Els for not having her married name on her passport. Or something. Anyway it was her fault.