Tuesday 10 July 2012


... its very fashionable, rebranding. So Tilling-sur-aude is become Esperaza Follies, new, improved, with extra erm factor Zx22. You can find it at www.esperazafollies.blogspot.com


Saturday 7 July 2012

Leigh and Lorraines annual party

Here is Leigh himself, master of the bar and host to his annual bash...
Lorraine, helpmeet and co-arranger is here below.  Steve and Iain are there along with other friends
Under the dogs is Roy and under the Blanquette is Kat :) There are other nice pix but the  machine wont let me upload them, claiming that I'm out of storage space and must buy some. Anyone know what this is about? Is this the end of  Tilling-sur-aude??


...forgot the camera when lunching at Scottish Daves. Met some of their friends whom I hope to meet again and ate recklessly. Captain H and I had to walk it off and went to the vineyards above Autugnac; nice view of Bugarach, our sacred mountain and site of the end-of-the-world scenario. 


Wednesday 4 July 2012

pre-birthday dinner

Ryan and Alecia organised a pre-birthday dinner last night which was a gem in my not-inconsiderably large necklace of birthdays - here they are flanking Ian and below, random shots of the night featuring dear friends all. Thanks everyone (blinks back sentimental tear-) I'm off to Toulouse now to meet the Captain off the late plane. Older and wider.

Tuesday 3 July 2012


 The Scottish Daves are back - here is eponymous himself and El (with friend) and below is Jack. Also back are Jane and Zara - forgot the camera - and the seasonal fledgling.


Saturday 30 June 2012

red carpet

Great to be home:) Its cooler, for one thing - and I love to sit in a cafe and see my friends.
The tapis rouge in Rue General Ferrier hasn't been laid for me though; its for Steve and Iain who arrive next week. Its the street where they used to live. How thoughtful of the council!!

That seems to be all that's changed in my weeks' absence, except that there are glow worms in the courtyard.